Thursday, April 4, 2013

Splurge vs. Save: Lipstick for Gloss Lovers

Let me tell you a story about how I was stupid a while back and thought that high price = high quality, and was then proven most egregiously wrong.
So, those of you who know me know that my go-to lip products are Burt's Bees and lip gloss. I love lipstick, but I just prefer the balmy feeling of a gloss or chapstick. So sue me.

Well, since my favorite NYC lipgloss has been discontinued (and the online price bumped to $14! It used to be TWO BUCKS in drugstores!), I've been in a a bit of a panic over finding something to replace it. There are loads of lipsticks out there, I just hate the texture that most of them have. They leave my lips feeling dry--or worse, CAKEY--and the color payoff is oftentimes mediocre at best.

So, being an idiot, I decided I was feeling fancy one day (you have to say "fancy" with a British accent..."fauncy") and went to Sephora to see what I could find.

I was immediately drawn to the Benefit Silky Finish Lipsticks. They came in beautiful black and white tubes, had the most divinely creamy texture, and had a variety of colors to choose from. So I bought one in "Rocket Pop."

It was a beautiful color and felt absolutely HEAVENY on my lips.

For like, fifteen minutes.

After that? Gone. Gone like The Rock's street cred after doing that Tooth Fairy movie. Just like, NOTHING.

Sorry, Benefit, but if I'm paying almost TWENTY DOLLARS for something, I want to it to last longer than that! God forbid you try to eat or drink anything in it! I might as well have been wearing my tinted Burt's (it totally would've lasted longer). I don't care how pretty the packaging is. If it sucks that badly, it's going back.

So I owned that for less than 24 hours. So much for being fancy.

Then I went into CVS, and saw the Revlon Lip Butters. The internet has been abuzz with these things already, so I decided to try one.

Oh. My. WORD.

They are so worth the hype. This may well be the world's perfectest lip product. It feels like a chapstick going on, has the finish of a gloss, and the color payoff of a lipstick. This is like the Holy Grail of lip products.

Being a makeup junkie and a CVS Rewards Card member with some cool coupons and stuff, I got five. Which came out to just over $20. So for two dollars more than the Benefit Craptacular Lipfail, I got FIVE WHOLE LIPSTICK THINGS.

(I apologize for the utter lack of HD photography. I do what I can with what I have, okay?)

Those are the ones I own, and the whole line has dessert names. How cute! From left to right: Strawberry Shortcake (1), Peach Parfait (2), Berry Smoothie (3), Lollipop (4), and Candy Apple (5).

I wanted to swatch them out so you can see them:

Strawberry Shortcake is a really sweet, light pink color. When I first tried it, it immediately reminded me of Mac's Viva Glam Gaga, which I love. But this one just seemed a little more wearable for me. I love pale pinks (St. Germain by Mac is SO pretty, I just can't wear it!), but I have a hard time finding a good shade. This one is light without looking pasty!

Peach Parfait is a perfect neutral. It's a peachy pink with gold shimmer, but I didn't even notice the shimmer until I photographed it. It's definitely not like you have massive chunks of glitter on your lips. This one is perfect for everyday, and I think it would be especially pretty in the summer!

Berry Smoothie is my favorite (I'm on my third tube!), because that shade is one of my go-to colors for everyday wear. I like berry colors, because if I go too light on lip color with my pale complexion, I look dead. So I definitely like a little bit richer colors. This one is exactly how it sounds--a pinkish berry color. I wore it today at work all day, and the staying power is pretty remarkable for a balm-gloss type thing.

Lollipop is an awesome fuschia, hot pink color. It's bright, but what's great about these is how buildable they are--apply lightly for a sheer wash of color, or apply with a heavier hand for brighter, more "lipsticky" color. This one is just FUN. I love brights, and I can definitely see it getting a lot of wear this spring and summer.

And finally, Candy Apple is a fire engine red with orange undertones. I was torn between getting that one and one called Cherry Tart, but as aforementioned, I love berry tones and have a lot of deeper reds. I don't have anything with ANY orange in it, though, so I decided "what the heck" and went for it. Turns out that coral-tinted reds are flattering on me! Woohoo! This is an awesome punch of color for gutsy girls or days when you need that extra "pop." I think pairing it with a neutral or gray eye would be fun.

Anyway, they run about $7 a piece, and they are worth every single penny. If you come across them, grab one and just try it. You won't be disappointed!

You also won't be out $20 like you'd be if you'd gone to Sephora. ;)

Lots of lovely lips, 

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