Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Faux Face Strip Fail

I was super anxious this morning to try a new diy project I've seen floating all over cyberspace---faux face strips!!

Now, as you guys probably already know, face strips are small, bandaged-sized "stickers" designed to adhere to women's skin tightly.This is supposedly to ensure a "deep down clean" that assists clogged pores and to remove dirt beneath skins surface. In my experience, they make your skin feel nice and smooth afterward. Face strips are, in summary, a face-washing device. They typically range in price from $7.00 to $10.00 for a package of 14 strips.

Let me just repeat that again. Fourteen small(ish) face strips for seven to ten dollars. If you are anything like me, you are probably thinking of all the other magical things you could do with that same seven to ten bucks. These may include: buying a burrito from your favorite lunch spot, succeeding at getting your car above the "E" mark (just barely), or purchasing a new book from a bookstore. So I set out to attempt to create my own strips using a recipe I found online. It called for the following ingredients:



Essentially, you mix the Tbsp of milk and the Tbsp of gelatin together. The mixture ended up looking like a combination of paste and baby food. Ew.

Appetizing no?

Then I popped it into the microwave for about 10-15 seconds. This made the texture thin out a bit

This is a photo of me thinking I'm showing you the new texture. Just trust me it was thinner :)
Next, I just applied it to the skin using my paintbrush. It kind of felt like applying a wax treatment or something. Also, I should note, it kind of took on an interesting smell. At that point I was wishing I could have used some good ol' lime J-E-L-L-O. Who doesn't love that smell?! But alas....
Then came the hardest part for me...letting it dry and doing...NOTHING. I'm one of those people who just immediately wants to touch whatever's on their face...not a good idea for this experiment
Wanting to fiddle with the stuff so bad....
Then, after waiting for fifteen minutes (the allotted amount of time stated necessary to fully dry the treatment) I began "peeling."

I know the strips are supposed to tightly adhere to the skin..but OUCH. It hurt pretty darned bad to be peeling the stuff off the face. I think I probably only got like a centimeter off and then just chickened out and washed it off with warm water. Maybe I left it on too long? I don't know..but geesh.
SUMMARY: Overall, the face strip was easy to afford and easy to apply. However, the process of  "peeling" the mask off makes me (most likely) not interested in trying it again. To add, if I did attempt it again, I would probably make half the batch called for and leave on for only ten minutes. I would then most likely wash it off instead of attempting any kind of a peeling action.
So what was the result?! Well, I have to say the areas I applied the "strips" do feel clean and smooth...but underneath the eyes my skin is saying "youch!." Overall, I believe the "strips" do work in cleaning the skin but the person using them needs to have a surefire method in play to avoid having any irritation when scrubbing it off.
Until next time,
Experiment Excellence


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