Friday, March 15, 2013

Honey, we're foam! Exfoliating Sugar/Honey Mask

As previously mentioned, like one thousand and five times, I love makeup sooo much! I love the way it can make you look, how you feel when you wear it, and just how many amazing cosmetic products there are out there these days (although I'm sure my wallet disagrees ; ). I enjoy, so much, getting dolled up to go out on the town and making sure my "look" for the evening is just so.

However, ladies, I'm sure you can relate when I ask you: is there really any greater feeling than getting HOME from the aforementioned night on the town, washing off all that makeup, and donning your favorite ridiculously dorky looking PJ's?!

As much as I love wearing makeup, the act of taking it all off at just before bedtime can be just as enjoyable for me. If you read articles, from several well-versed authors, they highly recommend washing your face daily/nightly as one of the top beauty secrets out there. Check out the link below and skip right to "wash face" section. Also, if you have a few minutes, check out the warning against pricey products (woohoo ladies!!).

 And, if you think about it, you really need great skin before you can even think about getting that flawless made up look. Just like an artist, think about perfecting your canvas before anything else. Baby that skin :)

I used to be the number one rule breaker of this sensible rule of thumb. In college, I'd inevitably arrive home at oh dark thirty, after a lonnngg night of who knows what, and crash in bed without doing a thing to cleanse my poor badly abused face. The results would end up with me in the morning looking something like this:

Gorgeous look no?!\
After about my Junior year in college, I finally wised up and realized that doing all that putting my face through all that mess made me break out...real bad. Enter another stupid move. Me going to the drug store buying the most expensive night creams/face washes/anything else that said the word "face" on it in a flawed attempt to remedy the breakouts. I think I once spent $ a drugstore...for like two products. Between myself and my hubs...for a couple weeks of nicely-washed faces, this was a pretty poor investment. Especially considering this was college...and most nights a "good meal" was ramen noodles.
Now that I have moved past all that nonsense, and into this phase of my life, I typically buy generic exfoliating scrubs for $3-$4. I love the price point there for 2-3 weeks. Also, I just feel like those exfoliating scrubs give my face a good washing.
Lately, though, I've been checking out the ingredients on the back of the label. It kinda weirds me out how much stuff is in some of those scrubs. As of recently, I've been super allergic to some ingredients in various facial the idea of lathering on different formulas (whatever face wash was on sale that week) made me feel kinda anxious.                      
I decided, at that time, to get serious about looking for a face wash that I could make at home. This would help in two ways:
1) I would know what was in the stuff heaped on my face
2) It would save some cash
I tried a few items, but I wanted to write about my very favorite one!!! When I was a little girl, I could swear one of my (grandmothers? aunts? great cousins? I cant remember exactly) told me about the beauty treatment they had sworn by. They told me the face wash they used on a consistent basis was...wait for it.... a sugar scrub.
At the time, I remember thinking that was really silly. Like "sugar's for baking/cookies/pies/whatever other sugary crap I can eat all the time because I'm a kid! You are TOO much whoever awesome person you were." Umm yah. Then I grew up and realized old secrets are the BEST secrets.
Today I gave this recipe a shot because I had all the ingredients on hand. I thought, "why not?!" So I assembled my ingredients:
The recipe called for just honey and sugar
Then I basically took three TBS of honey and one TBS of sugar and mixed them together. It was SUPER thick. It almost took on the consistency of caramel. And, p.s., you really don't need that much. For future reference I will cut the recipe down to half.
I then applied it all willy-nilly style in circular motions on my face. It smelled absolutely scrumptious and made me really want a donut, but it did look absurd. Check it out!
The directions said to lie down for 25 or so minutes while you let it sit, but as the wise old sage Georgia Brown says 

One of my favorite quotes EVER!!!!
I have a problem sitting still so, while I did let the MASK sit, I did anything but. I washed dishes, pledged my coffee table, and put the mask supplies away and washed the bowl. I have to say....that mask was not going ANYWHERE. The honey was
Per the instructions, I took lukewarm water and scrubbed the mask off after about 25-30 minutes. I washed in circular motions for about 50 seconds and then patted dry with a towel. I then applied toner and moisturizer.
All I have to say after all this is: HOLY CRAAAAPP MY FACE FEELS INCREDIBLE!!! I mean, seriously you guys, it feels like I went to some expensive spa and a cool, trendy facial. My skin feels squeaky clean and bright. Seriously amazing and wwwwayyyyy/eeeeonnnss/liiigghhttyyeaarsss better than washing with the day to day exfoliating scrub. Also, my lips were chapped before and now they feel great.
I really think everybody should give this a shot and see what they think. I'm anxious to get some feedback about if your results were as wonderful as mine. This is definitely on my list of things to do for every two weeks.
Until next time, superior sugar scrub!!!
P.S. I also have to take just a quick second to plug my partner Mary D. She and her mom make these soaps (which she gave me a sample of the other day...I know....coolest friend ever.) First of all, they are packaged so beautifully I just couldn't believe it. Also, they smell so unique and alluring, they just make you feel pampered and pretty. I've been washing my face for day-to-day use in the blue and white seabar and it leaves me smelling incredible. I actually catch delicious whiffs of it for a few minutes afterward and it's like: AHHHH. Not to mention, it leaves my skin delightfully soft and moisturized somehow. They are all natural and hand-made soaps. I put the link here for you guys to check out, as the bars are very affordable and awesome for the general consumer!!!

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