Saturday, March 1, 2014

Black-Eyed Beauty

Hey gals!!!

Today I just wanted to do a quick lil post on a trend I've seen pretty much EVERYWHERE in the makeup world lately. It seems like every place I turn, models/actresses/slash(ctresses) are wearing BLACK EYESHADOW!!!!

Now I know what you're thinking...."Ummmmm yah no. Not for me. No way, no how. That would look awful on me."

Wanna know how I guessed your immediate reaction so accurately my dear readers??!! Because mine was exactly the same when I first spotted the trend. I just quickly decided it wasn't for me because A) it required such perfection in application and B) I thought it would look waayyyyy too heavy for my usually-subtle makeup style.

But finally, my curiosity and an idle Saturday with nothing to do  got the better of me. Then, before I knew it I was whipping out the black eyeshadow faster than I could say "holy bad idea batman!"

As you could've probably guessed by the tone of this story, the first attempt and the ninty five attempts after the first one turned out pretty flippin' disastrously.

The goal, initially, was to get some kind of a makeup look that resembled this:

And, instead, at the end of all my efforts, I always ended up looking more like this

It was seriously horrific. But, as with every good experiment, you just have to keep going until you get the right recipe. Finally, I came up with this makeup look using black eyeshadow. I'm pretty pleased with it!!


I figured I'd share the way I achieved this look with all you readers out there. Here is the video instruction
Let me know what looks you guys want to see next!! Until next time, beautiful black eyeshadow buzzing!!

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